Free Apps Comparable To ProWritingAid

Automatic Text Analysis

ProWritingAid automatically analyses your text using different statistics and its own algorithms. These analysis are based on established rules for good writing that can actually be measured, e.g. to use adverbs sparingly and to make use of more transitions, fewer pronouns and glue words and many other. If you’re interested in quality writing, you’ll likely try to stick to these guidelines in some way, or at least subconsciously. ProWritingAid allows them to be easily seen.

Realtime lets you quickly edit any errors in grammar, spelling or style.

Once you’ve eliminated these errors, you will be able to go to your individual report for deeper edits. The reports let you examine the sentences, word choices, repeated words, and other details. A Summary Report is a report that can be used to pinpoint the areas you should concentrate your efforts to make improvements in the shortest time.

How to Utilize It

ProWritingAid offers a variety of formats. Their Web Editor allows you to edit documents using your browser. They also have browser extensions that allow users to fix their grammar problems on websites such as Twitter, WordPress, Gmail, Facebook and Facebook. You can also modify your Word documents with their Word add-ins that are available on Windows as well as Mac.

We’ll focus on their Desktop App today it’s ideal for use with your Ulysses documents.

To access You will have to register. There are a variety of ways Ulysses documents can be utilized and ProWritingAid can be used. Ulysses writers have two options: the online Web Editor is free, or you can download the desktop app. Premium licenses are needed to edit over 500 words simultaneously or to utilize the desktop software.

The desktop application can read 8 kinds of files (Markdown is one of them). Export the Ulysses document to a Markdown File. Next, use ProWritingAid to edit the text and then import it back into your Ulysses Library to further process. It’s fast and easy however you can’t save sheets or images such as writing goals. After testing the application, I found that I used the following as my preferred method of working:

Open ProWritingAid and then create Markdown File. Markdown File.

Go to Ulysses, choose a text section and then select the Copy as Markdown command in the Edit menu.

Paste into ProWritingAid.

Now go through each report, and edit in ProWritingAid.

Copy and select the edited text once you are done.

Paste the text back onto your Ulysses sheet, replacing the previous version of the text passage and using the “Paste from Markdown” option from the Edit menu.

The Reports

In each ProWritingAid report, problems that you have identified in your report are underlined. When moving your cursor over a text that is underlined, you’ll get an explanation and/or recommendation. Simply click on the suggestion, e.g. an easier word or synonym or a synonym, and use it.

The reports come with a short explanation and a link to more detailed details about the report’s topic on the ProWritingAid website. To help you understand, I’ll provide examples and more information.

Writing Style Audit This report will help improve your writing. This report can help you identify the usage of passive voice in your textActive voice sentences are more interesting and easier to understand. Writing Style Check also recommends readability enhancements.

Overused words checked This report lists words that are so commonly used in daily life that they’ve almost lost all meaning. ProWritingAid can help you identify the words that are extensively used.

Sentence Length Check

Texts with sentences that vary in length can be more engaging to read. This report shows the length of your sentences using a bargraph, so you will be able to identify areas for improvement. What’s more it will highlight especially long sentences, since they can render a text difficult to comprehend.


ProWritingAid is available online for free. It’s not as user-friendly and doesn’t provide all available reportsHowever, it may be enough to make an impression. Premium memberships allow you to use the desktop app and various add-ons, and costs $79 per year, or $399 for a lifetime license. ProWritingAid lets you take your time and provides a 14-day money back assurance.

Final Thoughts

ProWritingAid cannot (and isn’t meant to) substitute for a human editor. It highlights certain aspects of a text, and performs an excellent job. Although you’ll still have edit the text by yourself, ProWritingAid will make this easier and faster.